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Vaman Dhauti (REGURGITIVE CLEANSING) - BY DR. PRAFULLA S. DORLE Hatha yoga Vaman dhauti helps to increase the efficiency of the abdominal muscles. When we consume a lot of water, it stretches the stomach muscles and the gastric folds (the lining of the stomach) straightens and stretches. It helps to…
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Tratka -Eye Cleansing BY DR. PRAFULLA S. DORLE Hatha yoga To look deeply and see a little, the point where tears flow from the eyes is called trataka. There are two forms of tratak. The first is the bahiranga (outer) trataka and the second is the antarana (inner) trataka. Here we will only talk about…
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Master Cleansing Process During this, you drink two glasses of salt water with lemon, followed by 2 sets of 6 exercises. Continue the process until you drink 12 to 18 glasses of water. If you want, you can empty your bowels in the meantime. The process continues until clear water is visible from the…
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Neti (Nasal Cleansing) Process
Neti (Nasal Cleansing) Process - BY DR. PRAFULLA S. DORLE From Dr. Prafulla S. Dorle Hatha yoga There are 3 types of Neti as mentioned in Hatha Yoga, let's talk about Jala Neti which is Neti with water. Prepare warm water with a little salt. Use a "neti lota" or pot. Stand with your feet apart.…
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Kapalbhati- Frontal lobe Cleansing
Kapalbhati- Frontal lobe Cleansing 'kapalbhati' is one of the 'shatkarmas' mentioned in 'Gherand Samhita' and 'Hatha Yoga Pradipika'. The literal meaning of 'kapal' is skull and 'bhati' is light or shining. Thus, Kapalbhati means increasing the efficiency…
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Cleansing techniques from Hath yoga
Cleansing techniques from Hath yoga By Dr.Prafullo S.Dorle Shatkarma or purification techniques are an important part of the hatha yoga tradition and are described in several hatha yoga books. There are six cleansing processes that help cleanse the body internally. It cleans our body and removes toxins,…
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Hath yoga- The nath tradtion 2 Hatha yoga Ashtanga yoga begins with Yama (social discipline - non-violence, truthfulness, celibacy, non-stealing, lack of possessions) and Niyama (self-discipline - chastity, contentment, austerity, self-study, faith). Patanjali (the founder of Ashtanga Yoga) was a…
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HATHA YOGA - NATH TRADITION Hatha yoga There are many texts on hatha yoga where we find many references to its famous tradition and the line of gurus who taught this unique and complete set of techniques for the evolution of followers. Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Swatmaram, Goraksha Shatakam, Goraksha…
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MUDRAS & BANDHAS IN HATHA YOGA Mudra means a gesture that reflects a certain state of consciousness or emotion or attitude. Bandhas are energy locks used to control the flow of prana. Mudras and bandhas are very important discoveries of yogis and rishis. They use it to successfully change the state…
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HATHA YOGA Hatha Yoga Pradipika is one of the most authentic textbooks of Hatha Yoga, written in 1200 AD by Swami Svátmarama, a great yoga guru who formulated the principles of Hatha Yoga and systematically explained the various techniques, their effects on the body, mind and state. consciousness. .…
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