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27 July, 2022
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WHO has issued a global update on the COVID-19 vaccination strategy to reach the vulnerable?
WHO today published an update on the global vaccine strategy for COVID-19 in response to the spread of Omicron subvariants, advances in vaccine evidence and lessons from the global vaccination programme.
An estimated 19.8 million lives were saved in the first year of the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine. Thanks to an unprecedented and rapid global rollout, more than 12 billion doses have been administered worldwide, in almost every country in the world, resulting in countries reaching an average of 60% of their population.
However, in the primary series, only 28% of the elderly population and 37% of health workers in low-income countries were vaccinated. 27 WHO Member States have not yet launched a booster or extra dose programme, including 11 low-income countries.
The strategy aims to use primary and booster doses to reduce mortality and serious illness, to protect health systems, society and the economy. In order to achieve the 70% vaccination coverage target, countries must prioritize achieving baseline targets for immunizing 100% of the health population and 100% of the most vulnerable groups, including the elderly population (over 60 years) and those with weakened immunity or underlying diseases.
state. "Even where 70% vaccination coverage is achieved, if many health workers, the elderly and other high-risk groups remain unvaccinated, deaths will continue, health systems will remain under pressure and the recovery of the whole world will be at risk," he said. WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. "Vaccinating all those most at risk is the best way to save lives, protect health systems and keep societies and economies open."
To ensure that vaccines reach the highest priority groups, the strategy emphasizes the need to measure progress in vaccinating these groups and develop targeted methods to reach them. Methods include leveraging local data and engaging communities to sustain demand for vaccines, building adult immunization systems, and reaching more displaced people through humanitarian response. The strategy also aims to accelerate the development and ensure equal access to improved vaccines to reduce transmission as a top priority, while achieving strong, broad-based protective immunity.
Today's vaccines are designed to prevent serious illness and death, and they succeed, saving millions of lives. However, they did not reduce the transmission. As the virus continues to spread, new and dangerous variants emerge, including those that make vaccines less effective. It is important to continue investing in research and development to create more effective and easier vaccines, such as nasal sprays.
Other important steps to take include: equitable distribution of production facilities across regions and support for strong vaccine delivery programs. WHO will continue to work with COVAX partners and the COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Partnership (CoVDP) to support countries to introduce and also integrate COVID-19 vaccination with other health interventions
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