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what is BCAAs?

26 July, 2022

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A branched chain amino acid

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are a group of three essential amino acids: leucine isoleucine valine BCAA supplements are often used to stimulate muscle growth and improve exercise performance. They can also help with weight loss and reduce post-exercise fatigue.


What are BCAAs?

BCAAs consist of three essential amino acids:

  • leucine

  • isoleucine

  • valine

These amino acids are grouped because they are three amino acids with a branched chain on one side. Like all amino acids, BCAAs are building blocks that your body uses to make protein. BCAAs are considered essential because, unlike non-essential amino acids, your body cannot make them. That's why it's important to eliminate it from your diet.


How do branched chain amino acids work?

BCAAs make up a large part of the total amount of amino acids in the body. Together they account for about 35-40% of all essential amino acids in your body and 14-18% of those found in your muscles. Unlike most other amino acids, BCAAs are mainly broken down in the muscles, not the liver. For this reason, they are thought to play a role in energy production during exercise BCAAs have many other roles in your body. First, your body uses them as building blocks for protein and muscle They may also help regulate blood sugar by maintaining sugar stores in the liver and muscles and stimulating your cells to remove sugar from the blood. In addition, BCAAs can help reduce the fatigue you feel during exercise by reducing serotonin production in your brain. Of the three, leucine is believed to have the greatest impact on your body's ability to make muscle protein


Best food sources

Fortunately, there are many different foods that contain BCAAs, such as:

  • meat, poultry and fish

  • beans and lentils

  • dairy products such as cheese and milk

  • tofu and tempeh

  • egg

  • quinoa

  • nuts and seeds


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Nitric oxide(NO) supplements

26 July, 2022

Nitric oxide supplements

Nitric oxide is a compound in the body that causes blood vessels to dilate and stimulates the release of certain hormones such as insulin and human growth hormone.


Why they made the list

Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule found in the body that is involved in many processes. One of the most interesting for bodybuilders is its ability to dilate blood vessels, which allows more blood to flow to the muscles for more oxygen, nutrients, anabolic hormones and water (blood is mostly water). This gives you more energy during training, better muscle pumping and better recovery and muscle growth after exercise. NO boosters do not provide NO, but the amino acid arginine, which is easily converted to NO in the body. The research found that subjects who received arginine increased muscle strength and growth and lost body fat.


How to maximize its effects:

Take an NO booster that provides 3-5 grams of arginine in the form of L-arginine, arginine alpha-ketoglutarate, arginine ethyl ester, or arginine malate. Also consider NO boosters that provide ingredients like citrulline, Pycnogenol, and American ginseng that enhance arginine's ability to increase NO. Take one dose at each of the following times: in the morning before breakfast, 30-60 minutes before training, immediately after training and 30-60 minutes before bed If possible, take each dose without food and consider combining it with 500-1000 mg vitamin C, which helps maintain NO levels longer. Nitric oxide supplements are a category of supplements that include L-citrulline and L-arginine. Researchers have conducted many clinical studies regarding nitric oxide supplements and their effectiveness, often with mixed results. This article will explore how nitric oxide works in the body and some of the reported health benefits and risks of nitric oxide supplementation.

How they work in the body?

The two most common nitric oxide supplements are L-arginine and L-citrulline.

L-Arginine is an amino acid or protein building block that occurs naturally in red meat, dairy products, poultry and fish. Manufacturers make it in a laboratory as a pill, powder or cream.

L-citrulline is also an amino acid found in meat, nuts, legumes and watermelon. Manufacturers can also make L-citrulline in a lab and package it as a pill or powder. Without taking nitric oxide supplements, a person would typically consume about 5 grams (g) of L-arginine per day.

The body converts it into nitric oxide for use in various body functions. Some scientists believe that nitric oxide in the body relaxes or widens the arteries. Some drugs, such as Viagra, use the nitric oxide pathway to improve blood vessels and blood flow to the penis to improve erections.

Many people believe that taking nitric oxide supplements can improve blood flow in the body, improve athletic performance, improve recovery, improve heart health, and provide many other potential benefits. .

While there are many potential uses and benefits of nitric oxide supplements, there is little research to support some of the claims.

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what is Beta-Alanine?

26 July, 2022

Beta-Alanine -

Beta-alanine is a popular supplement among athletes and fitness enthusiasts. This is because it has been shown to improve performance and benefit overall health. This article explains everything you need to know about beta-alanine.

Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid. Unlike most amino acids, it is not used by your body to synthesize proteins. But together with histidine it produces carnosine. Carnosine is then stored in your skeletal muscles. Carnosine reduces the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles during exercise, which leads to an improvement in sports performance.


How does it work?

In muscle, histidine levels are usually high and beta-alanine levels are low, limiting carnosine production. Beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to increase muscle carnosine levels by 80% This is how carnosine works during exercise:

Glucose is broken down: Glycolysis is the breakdown of glucose, which is the primary fuel source during high-intensity exercise.

Lactate is produced: When you exercise, your muscles break down glucose into lactic acid. This is converted into lactate, which produces hydrogen ions (H+).

Muscles become more acidic: Hydrogen ions lower the pH level of your muscles, causing them to become more acidic.

Fatigue sets in: Muscle fatigue inhibits glucose breakdown and reduces your muscles' ability to contract. This causes fatigue.

Carnosine buffer: Carnosine acts as an acid buffer, reducing muscle acidity during high-intensity exercise. Because beta-alanine supplements increase carnosine levels, they help your muscles reduce acid levels during exercise. This reduces overall fatigue.


Other health benefits

Beta-alanine increases carnosine levels, which can have many health benefits.

Interestingly, animal and test-tube studies have shown that carnosine has antioxidant, anti-aging, and immune-boosting properties. However, human studies are needed.

Antioxidant benefits of carnosine include neutralizing free radicals and reducing oxidative stress In addition, test-tube studies suggest that carnosine increases nitric oxide production.

It can help fight the aging process and improve heart health.

Finally, carnosine may increase muscle quality and function in older adults.

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