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Human body

20 July, 2022

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Introduction to the human body

The human body is a structure, but it is made up of billions of small structures of four main classes: cells, tissues, organs and systems. An organ is an organization of several different types of tissue that are arranged in such a way that together they can perform a special function. Rather, a system is an organization of different numbers and types of organs that are designed to work together to perform complex functions for the body. The ten major systems include the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Bodily functions are the physiological or psychological functions of body systems. The body's survival depends on maintaining or restoring the body to homeostasis, a state of relative stability, in its internal environment. The processes of human life include organization, metabolism, reaction, movement, reproduction, growth, diversity, respiration, digestion, and excretion. All these processes work together, in good balance, for the well-being of the individual and for the continuation of life. Life depends on certain physical factors from the environment, including water, oxygen, nutrients, heat and pressure. 



The development of the human body is the process of growing into adulthood. The process begins with fertilization, in which an egg that is released from a woman's ovary makes its way to a sperm. The egg then enters the uterus, where the embryo and later fetus grow until birth. Growth and development occur after birth and include physical and psychological development that is influenced by genetic, hormonal, environmental and other factors. Growth and development continues throughout life, through childhood, adolescence and through adulthood into old age and is called the aging process. a brief study of the various internal and external organs of the human body is discussed. Various internal and external parts of the body are connected to the human body and form a structure that can perform various necessary actions. In addition, different body parts in the human body are capable of performing different actions that enable different necessary actions. According to various studies, the parts of the human body can be divided into nine parts based on the position of the head to the torso. The cooperation of different parts of the body is important for the development of the structure of the human body.


Male Organs

The organs in our body that help us perceive or perceive things around us are called sense organs. In fact, we perceive the world through the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin, these are the five sense organs of the body. The sense organs are connected to the brain by means of nerves. Sense organs send messages to the brain. The brain reacts to these messages and this is how we learn about the things around us. Vision: Our eyes help us see things around us. By looking at an object, we can learn about shape, size, and color. Sense of sound or hearing: Our ears help us hear different sounds. We learned the sounds of different things. Other sounds like music are pleasant and soothing. Sounds other than punches and screams are loud and violent. There are things like thunder that we cannot see. But we heard the sound of thunder.

Smell: Our nose helps us smell. Fragrances come in many different types. Our nose picks up these smells and our brain tells us about them. Some smell good and some smell bad. We love the smell of flowers or food. Just like the smell of garbage, which we don't like. Cover your nose to prevent the smell from entering. The nose performs another important function: breathing. It helps us stay alive.

Taste: We taste sweet, sour, salty and bitter on the tongue. The taste of the tongue tells us about different flavors.

Sensation: We feel on the skin that something is cold, hot, rough, smooth, hard or soft. Our fingers are the most sensitive part of our body. The lips are also very sensitive. These five sense organs of our body play a very important role in our life. They are connected to our brain. Apart from these organs, our body has many other organs. They will work together in different groups. A group of organs that work together to do a lot of work for our body makes up a system. 

Care Of the body: We have to look after and nurture our sense organs. We must keep our senses clean and protect them from damage.

Eyes: (i) Eyes are the most dangerous organ. We must be careful to protect the eyes from damage.

(ii) We should wash our eyes daily with fresh, clean water.

(iii) We must not rub our eyes or touch them with dirty fingers or dirty handkerchiefs.

(iv) Always study or read in proper light.



(i) We must not clean the ears with a sharp or pointed object. It can damage the ear drum.

(ii) We must cover our ears when there is a loud noise. nose:

(i) If you wash your face every morning, blow your nose to clean it.

(ii) Always use a clean tissue paper or tissue to clean your nose. Language: We have to clean our tongue every morning when we brush

Skin: (i) Clean every part of your body while taking a bath. (ii) Dry your body with a clean towel before putting on new clean clothes. (iii) Change clothes and underwear daily.

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