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Healthy routine' with Shilpa Shetty

03 August, 2022

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Shilpa Shetty's life mantra for fitness

Shilpa Shetty's life mantra for fitness is short, sharp and simple - "Swasth raho, mast raho." She believes that the only way to be happy

is to be healthy. The actor, who is a fitness enthusiast who swears by yoga and high-intensity exercise, shared his Monday morning

routine on Instagram and is helping us start the week off right.

Want to know how Shilpa Shetty keeps her glowing skin and toned body? Want to check out shilpa shetty's beauty tips that she follows daily?

Shilpa Shetty has defied the concept of aging by aging beautifully!

Her body is stronger than ever, she is a great artist, author of the book - 'The Great Indian Diet', yoga enthusiast, wife and mother to his son Vivan.

Even at 47, Shilpa Shetty looks 20 years old. Let's explore Shilpa Shetty's beauty secrets, diet plan and health routine.

Shilpa Shetty Fitness and Yoga

Shilpa believes in keeping her heart happy by staying active, eating a healthy diet and chewing her food. The highlight of her training is her great love for yoga and Shilpa Shetty's workout takes a lot of work!


Shilpa says-

'I got into yoga to heal myself when I was suffering from cervical spondylitis a few years ago and I was just drawn to it. I started practicing Ashtanga yoga and once I tried it, I wanted to learn more about different forms of yoga. So I did Vinyasa and now I started doing Bihar School of Yoga. But the benefits are the same. All types of yoga practice help to tone and strengthen your body - inside and out'

How Shilpa Shetty lost weight naturally

1-She started light exercises like cycling and walking

2-She gradually increased the exercise time and also increased the intensity

3-It includes different exercise methods such as functional exercise, animal flow training, conditioning exercise that he did not do before

4-She follows a strict diet with a limited amount of carbohydrates - balance the proteins with vegetables and fruits

5-Shilpa Shetty's fitness routine includes yoga, cardio and strength training.

She follows the following exercise regime:-

Monday and Tuesday - Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation (Dhyan)

Wednesday and Thursday - Strength training

Friday- Cardiovascular exercise and HIIT


Shilpa Shetty's Diet Plan

Shilpa believes in healthy food and has also written two books in parallel – Good Food of India and Domestic Diva. Let's take a look at his philosophy on diet.

Shilpa Shetty's diet plan is simple. Shilpa's key to maintaining a slim body is to keep her diet clean, natural and avoid artificial sugars or

foods. Can't stress enough the importance of breakfast. Shilpa says she won't skip breakfast as she doesn't have time.

If you can't break your fast, you haven't done your brain and body any good, he says. He likes to keep it simple and easy. He is not a

person who eats too much bread, so he gets his dose of fiber from fresh fruit. He throws in muesli with a few slices of apple, mango and

almond milk – it's his favorite breakfast bowl. He likes eggs for breakfast because it is a complete meal. Following a strict diet is one of Shilpa Shetty's key beauty secrets.


Here's a sneak peek of Shilpa Shetty's diet chart!

An early morning

Shilpa drinks a glass and a half of warm water and then takes four drops of Noni juice, which acts as an energy booster.


-Muesli bowl with fruit and almond milk OR 2 boiled/scrambled eggs OR Omelettes with avocado OR Wholemeal toast with butter

-A cup of milk tea with coconut sugar


-Brown rice or white rice

-Eat chicken or fish

-A simple cucumber and carrot salad with a little sea salt

-Bowl of lettuce, chicken pieces, brown rice, beetroot (his "Yogi" bowl)

-Roti made from 5 different types of grains with dal and sabzi

-One tablespoon of ghee.

-A piece of chikki after lunch to satisfy his sweet tooth

Afternoon snack

Two eggs or a beetroot, cucumber and boiled potato sandwich with chat masala for extra flavour.

Evening tea.


-Chicken soup or vegetarian soup
-Grilled food, sabji, dal (all low carb)
-Sometimes they surprise you with an excellent mushroom hot-pot rice

Shilpa Shetty's Beauty Tips

Shilpa does not believe in overloading her skin with lots of fancy and glamorous skin care products. Her mother says that the more

products you use when you're young, the worse it gets as you get older. Here are Shilpa Shetty's celebrity beauty tips that are also part

of her daily skin care routine.

She always takes her makeup off at night! To do this, she uses a natural cleanser such as coconut or olive oil to soften her skin and

remove makeup and impurities.

He makes sure he sleeps 8 hours a day. She doesn't use a hair straightener, she just dries her hair.

With makeup, she believes that only one part of your face should be brought forward - eyes, lips or whatever you want! He and one

should avoid competing strongly recommend using an eyelash curler.

Skin care by Shilpa Shetty

Shilpa follows simple yet highly effective guidelines to maintain her glowing skin.

-For beautiful skin and hair, she believes in taking care of herself from the inside out. She followed her grandmother's advice to wash

-and eat almonds, figs and walnuts to keep her hair long and strong.

-Shilpa tries to minimize the use of soap and instead opts for a home pack or moisturizer whenever possible.

-Before going to bed, she makes sure to cleanse her face with a combination of olive oil, organic oil and Johnson's baby oil.

-She understands that the skin also needs nourishment, so along with maintaining a healthy diet, she regularly goes for a deep massage.



https://fabbon.com/articles/wellness/shilpa-shetty-s-beauty-secrets-revealed-yoga-fitness-and-diet-plan#:~:text=Shilpa shetty's fitness routine included yoga

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