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Gym Beginner tips

30 July, 2022

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Basic tips for Gym Beginner 


1. Identify your "why", "what" and "how" to be clear about your goals (you can write them down).

"The first step is to really take the time to find your why, what, and how. The questions I ask my clients are: Why are you adding strength and health to your life now? How would your life be different if you had more fitness in your life? And how to incorporate fitness into your lifestyle today and this week? When you know the why, what, and how, the mindset is "just do it." Nike has that right.” -Amelia DiDomenico, owner of Amrose Fitness Studio, @amrosefitness


2. Try starting with three 30-minute workouts a week to build up the pace.

"If you're just starting a new exercise program, don't overdo it or overdo it! Try starting three days a week and schedule them into the week like a doctor's appointment. You don't have to have a full class—stay for 30 minutes, or try a short personal training session or at-home exercises. You want to make sure you are working on yourself safely and efficiently. Then, after the fourth week, try adding another 30 minutes a week. You'll be surprised how much stronger you'll feel!" -Anna Kaiser, celebrity trainer and founder of ACP, @theannakaiser


3. Prioritize consistency over intensity.

“It's better to do a 45-minute moderate-intensity circuit three times a week than a two-hour high-intensity workout six times a week and then burn out in three weeks because it's not sustainable. And remember, building your body takes time and consistency, but exercise can get you in much better shape. You leave everything behind at the gym: an annoying boss, a fight with your best friend, being stuck in traffic... It's like you have to push yourself again." -Valerie Waters, celebrity trainer and creator of Valslides, @valeriewaters


4. Find other active people to support your efforts.

"Motivation is what gets you started, but making things a habit is the way to maintain longevity in an active lifestyle. With friends, family and colleagues. Exercising with you will help you persevere." Try finding exercise partners to do healthy things together. Plus, what you do outside of the gym has a huge impact on what you do in the gym – positive changes in nutrition, hydration, sleep and stress can make a big difference. results." -Noam Tamir, founder of TS Fitness, @tsfitnessnyc


5. Do exercises you enjoy 

you're more likely to stick with them. "My best advice for beginners is find something you enjoy and focus on small, incremental improvements every day. I believe the best results come from consistency, and to be consistent you have to enjoy the journey. That's why I like to focus on small daily goals - small goals that can be accomplished each day will make big progress over time and give us a sense of accomplishment each day. —Milan Costich, celebrity trainer and owner and founder of PREVAIL Boxing, @milancostich


6. Invest in good shoes.

"Wearing old, worn-out shoes can negatively affect your joints and ligaments, especially when you run, sprint or do plyometrics. So choosing the right shoes for your exercise is important: For example, sneakers are made for lateral movements. . And if you're a runner, most specialty stores will give you a step-by-step evaluation to help you decide which shoes are best for your arch, heel strike, and foot width. Invest in a shoe that's as versatile as possible in the gym and outdoors, but gives you the right support your feet need." -Ashley Borden, celebrity trainer, @ashleybordenfitness


7. To avoid burnout and injury,

start slow and take breaks during exercise. "Start slow, set realistic goals, be gentle with your body and rest as often as necessary. Committing to a new exercise is very difficult, so if you're not honest about your fitness level and don't go too fast, you're setting yourself up to burn or injure, and that is far from the intended goal." —Lauren Kleban, celebrity trainer and creator of LEKfit, @lekfit


8. Accept that you have failures and that's okay.

"Be patient with yourself - you will have setbacks and every day will not be perfect. The key to success is to be consistent and keep moving forward. The constant in life is change, so we must be ready to make changes - or become the best version of ourselves." —Latreal Mitchell, celebrity trainer and Previnex fitness ambassador, @latrealmitchell


9. Think of exercise as an act of self-care.

"I always want my new clients to know that the road they are about to embark on is the road less traveled. These mental battles are the hardest to deal with in the early stages, so stay humble, stay committed and know that the benefits are far. Wake up to all the troubles. Wake up every day and remind yourself that self-care of any kind is the best decision you can make." —Nick Malizia, Lead Instructor at Burn 60 Studios, @burn60studios


10. Do not skip the warm-up and cool down.

“Warm up before starting the routine – a proper warm-up [with dynamic stretching] is essential to prepare the body to move without injury. Take time to stretch after training and on rest days. There is plenty of time to build and improve. My other tips: Go into your new business with a fun and hands-on mentality. Set goals and reward yourself for meeting them, such as a massage, new equipment or a weekend away. Stay hydrated and plan a good nutrition plan – you need the right fuel for your body to succeed.” – Julie Diamond, Master Instructor at Burn 60 Studios, @burn60studios


11. Master basic movements like squats and lunges before you start having fun.

"Stick to the basics and don't overcomplicate the exercises. People often skip the basics of exercises for exercises that look cool and trendy. It really takes time to master the basics, so don't rush it. Exercises like squats, rows, lunges, and chest presses will work perfectly and have great results.” —Hannah Davis, founder of Body By Hannah, @bodybyhannah


12. Don't compare yourself to people who are on their fitness journey.

"Be prepared to look stupid and make mistakes without judging yourself. Keep trying and you'll get better and better with each practice. Remember the goal is progress, not perfection. And in a group setting, don't compare yourself to anyone else in the room. While some can move smoothly and seem to have superhuman strength, remember that they are also beginners. Don't compare your chapter one to someone else's chapter eleven.” -Franci Cohen, Founder and CEO of Spiderbands, @francifit


13. Know that results won't come right away, and that's okay.

"People come in expecting long-term results to come quickly, but people need to see health as a big picture and make exercise a part of their life routine, as opposed to a sharp, temporary mindset. Also remember that exercise has many components. and just a combination of healthy diet and training together produce the best results." -Jason Walsh, celebrity trainer and founder of Rise Nation, @risemovement


14. Tune in to the max after training and enjoy it.

"Focus on the feeling. Most fitness goals are long-term projects, but the one exception is how we feel, which can be immediately and significantly improved after a workout. If you're just starting out, tune in to the positive vibes." feel after your workout and make it your reward. Remember, even as a beginner, you're only one workout away from feeling great.” —Rob Sulaver, founder of Rumble Boxing and Bandana Training, @bandanatraining


15. If you're into numbers and stats, try wearing a heart rate monitor to see how your body is doing in real time.

“I tell someone who started wearing a heart rate monitor to know how their body is responding to the physical stress of training.” Quick Note: A heart rate monitor is a device you wear that tells you your heart rate every minute so you can check in real time during training. It gives you objective information about how hard your body is actually working, regardless of how hard you feel you are working, known as perceived exertion. How hard an exercise is can be influenced by factors like how much you enjoy it, the temperature and humidity of the room you're in, and more—but how you feel isn't always a perfect indicator of how hard your body works. . —Michelle Lovitt, celebrity trainer and founder of Lovitfitness, @mllovitt


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Types of workouts

30 July, 2022


Types of Workouts

Most exercises fall into four main categories. Whether it's running, cycling, swimming, bench pressing, yoga, or trying to touch your toes while standing on one leg, every exercise or movement has a place in this category.


  • Endurance (or aerobic)

  • Strength

  • Balance

  • Flexibility


All four of these elements of fitness will create a well-rounded and balanced body and fitness level. Focusing on just one aspect, such as strength, will lead to weaker results in other areas, such as endurance (or aerobic fitness). Even if you need to focus a lot on one particular area, it is never beneficial to completely ignore other areas. For example, runners should focus mainly on endurance exercise, but should also build leg strength and work on flexibility and balance to avoid injury. While endurance training should be the focus of runners, they should alternate their training schedule with the other three categories to avoid weaknesses in other areas. A bodybuilder will likely spend most of his training time doing muscle strength exercises to increase and tone his muscles. However, again, they cannot compete to the best of their ability without adequate levels of endurance, balance and flexibility. Like a runner, a bodybuilder needs to diversify his training regimen for a more rounded schedule.


How much should I exercise?

Of course, not everyone is training to run a marathon or kill their body weight in the gym. For most people, a balanced exercise plan that includes elements of all four exercise categories will yield great health and fitness results. A balanced exercise regimen can help fight diseases such as obesity or diabetes and keep you active and healthy for longer. The government even recommends that individuals combine a mix of strength training and cardio for a healthy lifestyle and longevity. Adults should try at least 30 minutes of endurance exercise a day, such as walking or running. They should also include two to three strength training sessions per week. Additionally, a healthy adult should think about stretching for flexibility and working on their balance. However, it can easily be incorporated into aerobic or strength training. All it takes is a small amount of exercise to maintain a relatively healthy body (and mind). If you are training your body for a half or full marathon, you need to run more than 30 minutes a day. Because of this, the amount of exercise you should do will depend on your personal goals. 


Different types of exercise


1. Endurance exercise

Endurance exercises are designed to get your heart rate up and your blood pumping faster. Endurance exercise is cardiovascular exercise that works your body aerobically. The goal of endurance training is to increase the number of muscle contractions before they become too tired. The easiest way to visualize this is to look at runners. Their goal is to increase the distance and intensity they can run at the same time. To do this, they need to improve their cardiovascular fitness and increase the amount of exercise their muscles can handle before they collapse! Weightlifters must also think about endurance. For endurance training, their goal is to increase the number of repetitions their muscles can perform to lift a certain weight before collapsing. Examples of endurance exercises include the following: run Swimming Cycling Rowing Resistance band squats The star jumps Plan Here are the main benefits of endurance exercise: Improve aerobic fitness Lower your blood pressure and relax your heart Increase your metabolic rate Fat burning Reduce the likelihood of cardiovascular disease, including diabetes and heart disease Improve mental health 


2. Strength training

Strength training, along with endurance training, is one of the most popular types of training, especially in the gym. Strength training is movements designed to build muscle mass. This is done by working the muscle until it is "torn". The torn muscle then repairs itself and grows back bigger and stronger than before. Strength training isn't just limited to weight machines and dumbbells, as you can build strength with resistance bands and bodyweight exercises. Strength training is not just for weightlifters as we need muscles for athletics and simple everyday movements like lifting shopping bags or chopping wood if you live on a farm. Examples of strength training include the following: And put it down Resistance band exercise Bicep curls Striped handles Cranks Dips Squat holds Here are the main benefits of strength training: Improve strength Build bigger muscles Shape and tone your body Build stronger joints and bones Reduce the risk of diseases such as arthritis Recommended collection


3. Balance

Balance is important for all bodies, not just athletes. Without sufficient balance, we have trouble even standing up, let alone going to the shops or lifting weights! Balance rarely gets its own targeted exercises, but exercises that focus on balance can help improve your overall health and fitness and contribute to broader health goals. A typical exercise may focus on the lower body for balance or the core for strength.

Examples of balance exercises include the following:

Standing on one leg


Martial Arts


Here are the main benefits of balance exercises:

  • Increase strength

  • Improve posture

  • Improve agility

  • Improve your speed and reactions

There is less chance of falling and therefore less chance of injury


4. Flexibility

Flexibility is also important. Without an adequate level of flexibility, it will be more difficult to lift weights or run for long periods of time. Flexibility is important to avoid injury, especially during endurance and strength training. The easiest way to work on improving flexibility is by stretching. Stretching relaxes our muscles by lengthening them; this is why we stretch before and after exercise. Muscles contract during exercise, so increased flexibility helps create more balanced muscle groups. It's very easy to incorporate more stretching into your exercise routines; you can even start stretching every day when you wake up and before you go to bed. Unlike other forms of fitness, stretching is an exercise you can do anywhere. Even rolling over in bed and yawning is a form of stretching! Examples of flexible exercises include the following: Yoga The resistance band stretches Pilates Here are the main benefits of flexibility exercises: Avoid joint and muscle injuries Avoid long-term, chronic pain Improve posture Increase range of motion Low stress levels 

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