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Early signs of cancer ? There are seven common ones. They are often called the Seven Danger Signals of Cancer: Change in bowel or bladder habits. A sore that does not heal. Unusual bleeding or discharge. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. Obvious change…
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Cancer In simple terms, cancer is an abnormal growth of body cells. Each one of us is born with a potential for cancer. One cannot "Catch" it as one would an infection or a cold. When the programming of a cell or a group of cells is affected, growth may become uncontrolled. Some of the factors that…
Posted By: admin
YYOGYM: Food tips for cancer patients Cancer has increasingly been known as a “life-style’ disease. Scientists are proved that cancers are linked to where you live, to what you eat and drink, and breathe and smoke. Eating healthy food is important when you are well. It is even more important when…
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