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is it monkeypox? Monkeypox virus is an orthopoxvirus that causes a disease with symptoms similar to, but less severe than, smallpox. While smallpox was eradicated in 1980, monkeypox continues to occur in Central and West African countries. Two distinct clades are recognized: the West African clade and…
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Types of zumba and its benifits Zumba tends to attract a mostly female crowd, but everyone is welcome. And since the choreography is more or less accessible even to those with "two left feet", in its popularity from 2005 to 2015, people of all ages and dancing abilities come to the lessons, especially…
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What is Zumba? Zumba is one of the most popular fitness organizations in the world with over 200,000 classes in 180 countries. And while the brand is best known for its signature "Zumba" Latin American fitness dance, the company offers several other workout formats, from strength training to kids'…
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Aerobic exercise in the gym Your local gym is a great place for aerobic exercise. They tend to have equipment such as treadmills, stationary bikes and elliptical machines. There may also be a pool where you can swim. If you are not sure how to use a certain type of exercise equipment, always ask a professional…
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Aerobic exercise at home Aerobic exercise is any form of cardiovascular fitness or "cardio". This can include activities such as brisk walking, swimming, running or cycling. By definition, aerobic exercise means "with oxygen." Aerobic activities increase your breathing and heart rate. Aerobic exercise…
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Is Zumba aerobics? It's important to find aerobic exercise that you enjoy and can do every week. Even better, you can find a group fitness class that allows you to complete the workout on schedule and interact with other people during the workout. If you're a fan of dance and want to incorporate…
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Aerobics vs. Anaerobic People sometimes confuse aerobic and anaerobic exercise. They both sound similar and involve some level of cardio, but how are they different? While both types of exercise involve full-body movement and raise your heart rate, it's helpful to know the difference based on your…
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Need More Motivation to Exercise? Read This
Need More Motivation to Exercise? Are you struggling to stay motivated to exercise? While many of us understand the importance of physical activity, long-term exercise is something most of us consider drudgery. The conveniences of modern life make natural physical activity difficult for many of us –…
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Yoga Is The Secret To Lifting More
Yoga Is The Secret To Lifting More When most people think about how to achieve their next weightlifting goal, yoga may be one of the last things that comes to mind. This seems like it should be one of the first ideas to consider. In celebration of National Yoga Day (6/21), we're sharing some great…
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Going to an Outdoor Workout Class? Check for These 7 Things First
Guidelines to Stay Safe During Outdoor Workout Classes If fitness classes are your happy place and you're tempted to get moving with a group outside, experts say there are precautionary measures you can take to reduce your risk. The safest sweat sessions will have the following COVID protocols in…
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4 of the Best At-Home Exercises for Women
Movet 1: Squat and press Squat to press is a great low impact full body exercise. "You get your heart rate up quickly without putting too much pressure on your joints," says Bailey. "Plus, you engage the lower body in the squat, the upper body in the press, and the core to strengthen the entire movement…
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Exercise Terminology Important for Workouts
Exercise Terminology Important for Workouts There is so much information about working out and exercise terminology that it’s hard to keep things straight at times. It’s important to understand all of this terminology in order to improve both the your gym experience and the workout itself. Having a…
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Are protein drinks best for pre or post workout?
Are protein drinks best for pre or post workout? A qualified nutritionist will always recommend eating real, whole foods as the first option to meet your daily protein needs. However, this can be challenging to do consistently over time. It can also be difficult if one needs a lot of protein every day…
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Importance of Staying Hydrated During Exercise
Importance of Staying Hydrated During Exercise Now that the weather is starting to warm up again, it's time to start focusing on hydration through exercise. Of course, it is important to do this all year round, but even more so in warmer weather. With so many mixed messages about when and how much…
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How your muscle strength depends on quality of your sleep ?
How your muscle strength depends on quality of your sleep? If you don't get a good night's sleep, you'll usually feel "off" the next day. Not only can your mood and energy be low, your exercise usually suffers as well. This seems to happen if you regularly get less than 6 hours of sleep…
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Tips for Bulletproof leg workout
Tips for Bulletproof leg workout There are endless ways to build big, strong legs. Most lifters use basic lifts in their leg exercises. It is cold. But if you want to stay strong and move heavy weight without pain, unilateral training is essential. Split squat The split squat will not only build a…
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Tips for Beginner Runners with fatty Bodies
Tips for Beginner Runners with fatty bodies Running is a very popular form of exercise, and for good reason. It's fun, requires little equipment, and can be done anywhere. However, overweight and obese people may feel that their body size prevents them from starting to run. Start walking You've…
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Lat pull-down The lat down machine targets your "latissimus dorsi" (or "lats"), one of the largest muscles in your back, while engaging your biceps and shoulders. Lat exercises help improve posture and protect the spine during other exercises, while shaping and strengthening the back muscles. Lat pull-downs…
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What is aerobic exercise? You've probably heard some names that refer to aerobic exercise, such as endurance exercise or cardiovascular exercise. The word aerobic means "with oxygen," which describes the process of increasing your heart rate and speeding up your breathing, allowing more oxygen to…
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Best ways to loss weight While there are endless diets, supplements, and meal replacement plans that claim to guarantee rapid weight loss, most lack scientific evidence. However, there are some scientific strategies that influence weight management. These strategies include exercise, calorie monitoring,…
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What is personality development?
What is personality development? Personality development is about building your capabilities, nurturing your talents, developing new skills, working on your weaknesses and turning them into strengths. You as an individual have unique skill sets. Your potential is multifaceted and investing in personal…
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Types of Workouts Most exercises fall into four main categories. Whether it's running, cycling, swimming, bench pressing, yoga, or trying to touch your toes while standing on one leg, every exercise or movement has a place in this category. Endurance (or aerobic) Strength Balance Flexibility…
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Basic tips for Gym Beginner 1. Identify your "why", "what" and "how" to be clear about your goals (you can write them down). "The first step is to really take the time to find your why, what, and how. The questions I ask my clients are: Why are you adding strength and health to your life now? How…
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Vaman Dhauti (REGURGITIVE CLEANSING) - BY DR. PRAFULLA S. DORLE Hatha yoga Vaman dhauti helps to increase the efficiency of the abdominal muscles. When we consume a lot of water, it stretches the stomach muscles and the gastric folds (the lining of the stomach) straightens and stretches. It helps to…
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Tratka -Eye Cleansing BY DR. PRAFULLA S. DORLE Hatha yoga To look deeply and see a little, the point where tears flow from the eyes is called trataka. There are two forms of tratak. The first is the bahiranga (outer) trataka and the second is the antarana (inner) trataka. Here we will only talk about…
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Master Cleansing Process During this, you drink two glasses of salt water with lemon, followed by 2 sets of 6 exercises. Continue the process until you drink 12 to 18 glasses of water. If you want, you can empty your bowels in the meantime. The process continues until clear water is visible from the…
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Neti (Nasal Cleansing) Process
Neti (Nasal Cleansing) Process - BY DR. PRAFULLA S. DORLE From Dr. Prafulla S. Dorle Hatha yoga There are 3 types of Neti as mentioned in Hatha Yoga, let's talk about Jala Neti which is Neti with water. Prepare warm water with a little salt. Use a "neti lota" or pot. Stand with your feet apart.…
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Kapalbhati- Frontal lobe Cleansing
Kapalbhati- Frontal lobe Cleansing 'kapalbhati' is one of the 'shatkarmas' mentioned in 'Gherand Samhita' and 'Hatha Yoga Pradipika'. The literal meaning of 'kapal' is skull and 'bhati' is light or shining. Thus, Kapalbhati means increasing the efficiency…
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Cleansing techniques from Hath yoga
Cleansing techniques from Hath yoga By Dr.Prafullo S.Dorle Shatkarma or purification techniques are an important part of the hatha yoga tradition and are described in several hatha yoga books. There are six cleansing processes that help cleanse the body internally. It cleans our body and removes toxins,…
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Hath yoga- The nath tradtion 2 Hatha yoga Ashtanga yoga begins with Yama (social discipline - non-violence, truthfulness, celibacy, non-stealing, lack of possessions) and Niyama (self-discipline - chastity, contentment, austerity, self-study, faith). Patanjali (the founder of Ashtanga Yoga) was a…
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HATHA YOGA - NATH TRADITION Hatha yoga There are many texts on hatha yoga where we find many references to its famous tradition and the line of gurus who taught this unique and complete set of techniques for the evolution of followers. Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Swatmaram, Goraksha Shatakam, Goraksha…
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MUDRAS & BANDHAS IN HATHA YOGA Mudra means a gesture that reflects a certain state of consciousness or emotion or attitude. Bandhas are energy locks used to control the flow of prana. Mudras and bandhas are very important discoveries of yogis and rishis. They use it to successfully change the state…
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HATHA YOGA Hatha Yoga Pradipika is one of the most authentic textbooks of Hatha Yoga, written in 1200 AD by Swami Svátmarama, a great yoga guru who formulated the principles of Hatha Yoga and systematically explained the various techniques, their effects on the body, mind and state. consciousness. .…
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Yoga: A brief science about body
Yoga: A brief science about body Today, everyone knows what yoga is, but their understanding is mostly limited to the physical poses known as asanas. But does yoga mean physical poses? To find the answer, we need to understand the definitions of yoga in the ancient texts. These ancient texts convey…
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PRE-CLASSICAL YOGA -THE VEDAS – 10,000 BC - 500 BC Pre-classical yoga The first mention of the science of yoga is in the ancient texts of the Vedas, which are more than 10,000 years old. The oldest copy of the Vedas found is about 7500 years old. But the Vedas are believed to have been transmitted orally…
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Tips for Women to Stay Heart Healthy
How stress affects heart health? Stress is not just a state of mind. This actually causes the body to release hormones such as adrenaline – the fight-or-flight chemical that raises blood pressure and increases heart rate. Another stress hormone is cortisol. High levels of cortisol are associated with…
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what are the stages of breast development?
what are the stages of breast development? Breast development is an important part of a woman's birth. Breast development occurs at different stages of a woman's life: first before birth, again during puberty and after childbearing age. Changes also occur in the breasts during the menstrual…
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fifteen Habits of Healthy Women 1. Set goals and plan ahead Healthy women have a plan for their week. They don't beat themselves up every day about sticking to a plan, but they know that if they go to the gym or their favorite class a few days a week, they won't skip it. She also sets aside…
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Types of female body shapes Bodies come in all shapes and sizes. This is part of what makes each of us unique. It is important to know that there is no such thing as a "normal" or "typical" body. Some of us are curvier, some narrower hips or wider shoulders - we are all a little different. However,…
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Tips for a Healthy Body Weight
Tips for a Healthy Body Weight It's not uncommon to step on the scale and wonder if you're at a healthy weight. However, it's important to understand that your overall health can't be measured by body weight alone ( 1Trusted Source ). At the same time, your body weight affects your health…
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YYOGYM: Tuberculosis Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease that usually affects the lungs, although it affects every organ in the body. This can happen if the bacteria is spread by droplets of air. TB can be fatal, but in many cases it can be prevented and treated. Tuberculosis can usually be treated…
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Influenza and pneumonia Influenza (flu) is a highly contagious viral infection. This is very common in the winter months. Pneumonia is an infection or inflammation of the lungs. Influenza is one of the main causes of pneumonia. The flu is a viral infection that attacks your respiratory system – your…
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Pneumonia Pneumonia is an infection of one or both lungs caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. The infection leads to inflammation of the air sacs in the lungs, called alveoli. The alveoli are filled with fluid or pus, making breathing difficult. Viral and bacterial pneumonia are more contagious. This…
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Complications of septicemia Septicemia has many serious complications. These complications can be fatal if left untreated or if treatment is delayed for a long time. Sepsis Sepsis occurs when your body has a strong immune response to an infection. This will lead to widespread inflammation throughout…
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What is septicemia? Septicemia is a serious infection of the blood. Septicemia, sometimes called sepsis, is an infection that occurs when bacteria enter the bloodstream and spread. Bacteria are usually bacteria, but they can also be viruses or fungi. Septicemia is a serious condition that, if not properly…
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Stroke A stroke occurs when a vein in the brain is ruptured and bleeds, or when the blood supply to the brain is blocked. A rupture or blockage prevents blood and oxygen from reaching the brain tissues Without oxygen, brain cells and tissues become damaged and begin to die within minutes. There are…
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Early signs of cancer ? There are seven common ones. They are often called the Seven Danger Signals of Cancer: Change in bowel or bladder habits. A sore that does not heal. Unusual bleeding or discharge. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. Obvious change…
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